How many alterations can we make to a batch of 10 dresses?
So a few weeks ago we had the brilliant Rococo Booms jacquard launch. It sold out that day and to say people were excited was an understatement. I wanted to show you all the orders that were made in this fabric and the alterations that were made to them.
10 dresses had been ordered in this fabric: 3 Molly Dresses, 1 Luna Skirt and 6 Luna Dresses.
All 3 Molly Dresses had alterations. One we removed the length, one we adjusted the shoulder to underbust measurement and one we adjusted the underbust measurement.

The Luna skirt had no alterations - Normally we just make length alterations to this piece as the elasticated waist is very forgiving!

4/6 of the Luna Dresses had alterations. The first Luna Dress that was ordered was from a loyal customer who we actually have made her very own luna pattern for!
The second had an inch off the sleeve and the skirt.
The third had added length to the hem.
The fourth had length taken off the skirt and then we had 2 dresses that had no alterations as we made them up as normal.
So from a batch of 10 orders you can see the variety of orders and customisations.
If you'd like to order a custom piece then please leave a note at checkout on your order or email/whatsapp me!
Love Faith X